Timeline for Moving Your Office


Moving your office is one of the most stressful times in a fiscal year. Obviously, your business depends on creating as much productivity as much as possible while keeping costs as low as possible. When you are trying to move offices, you run the risk of reducing your productivity while also incurring new expenses when moving. That combination of lower productivity plus higher expenses can do serious damage to your bottom line that fiscal year. But if you follow a moving timeline, you can streamline the process.

Three Months Before You Move

Three months before you move offices, you should begin the process of packing up your belongings. This might seem very early, but it’s actually a great time to start. You should go through supply closets, basements and unused cabinets. You should start boxing your items and separating them into different categories. Most removalists would recommend that you separate the items from these areas into three categories: never used, rarely used and often used.

Over the next month or so, you should try to keep track of how much you use these items. If you find that you actually haven’t used anything from the ‘never used’ pile after about a month, it’s probably time to get rid of it. If you find you haven’t used things from the other piles as well, then they should be up for disposal as well.

Moving Your Office

One Month Before You Move

As the time of the move gets closer, you should look into local removalists. You can find great removals in Melbourne by doing a search of trusted removalists. Typically, you can find them by following recommendations and customer reviews. Look for companies near you that have great reviews for their service.

You should get in touch with removalists about this time and tell them when you need to move. If you get out ahead of this, you can avoid the disruptive and exhausting process of moving. You can also often get some boxes and packing supplies in advance. That should help you pack up over the next few weeks without having to disrupt everybody’s work schedules. For example, if you can ask your employees to pack up for fifteen minutes at the end of each day, you’ll only lose a little over an hour of productivity per week. If they were to spend entire days packing up closer to the moving day, you would probably lose much more productivity.

One Day Before You Move

By this day, everything should be packed up and ready to go. If you can pack and organise things as well as possible, you’ll make it easier on the removalists and easier on yourself. Besides, streamlining the moving process means you’ll pay your removalists less. You’ll save money in just about every aspect of the move by being prepared.

The Day You Move

Make sure that everything is organised, the office you’re moving to is open and that you have already begun cleaning. Cleaning your old office as quickly as possible makes the move that much easier. Working with removalists who can set up your equipment also speeds up how quickly you can get back to work.

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