An electrician is a professional who specialises in the overall installation, application, repair, and general maintenance of an electrical system. Such a system includes wiring, circuit boards, and electronics. This line of work can be incredibly varied, and in some areas of the world, it can pay exceedingly well, due to the three to five year training period necessary for an electrician to be professionally qualified.
The general population interacts with the work of electricians every single day of the week in communities with electricity, and many people have a reliable and trustworthy electrician they know for any kind of electrical repair or renovation around their homes and businesses. Experts in Victoria such as Direct Point Electrical, are such a company.
What’s in a Name?
There are some people who like to distinguish between an electrician and a lineman, depending on regional terminology. In this line of thought, an electrician works only on internal wiring in homes and other kinds of buildings, whilst a lineman will work with outside electrical lines and in power generation positions. Because of the much higher currents involved in this line of work, being a lineman obviously can be a very dangerous business, especially when they are sent out to do a job on downed power lines and other emergencies which can occur in harsh weather conditions.
When a building is being constructed, an electrician is a crucial part of the building team. An electrician installs conduits in the walls as they are being built for the purpose of running electrical wiring. Plus, if they also have built in heating and cooling systems which are being installed, an electrician will also have to install vents and piping for these systems. As the house gets nearer to being completed, an electrician installs electrical sockets for the plugging in electrical equipment and the installation of light bulbs. At times, specialised circuits may also have to be installed for equipment which may happen to drain power, such as stoves and heaters.
Professionals in a Professional World
An electrician also has to install various other complex electrical equipment, and must be familiar with the operation of electronics and the various tools of their trade, from breaker boxes to voltage meters. As you are well aware, maintenance and repair services are also provided by professional electricians, which can vary from simply troubleshooting malfunctioning electric stoves to the more complex replacement of aged wiring.
Anybody who likes the idea and wants to become an electrician should plan on going to study at college or serve a professional apprenticeship. During the apprenticeship, he or she will have to study and learn about how to safely work with electricity and how to install electrical components among many other things. Training will also include familiarisation with current local safety codes, and once training is completed, a journeyman electrician may pursue professional certification or licensing, in his or her region.
Electricity will be here for a long time, as will electricians!