Asbestos Is Still Seen as a Health Hazard in the UK


Although asbestos has been banned, it is still a health hazard in the UK and other parts of the world. The mineral, which was once widely distributed in South Africa and Canada, has been incorporated in many of the UK’s past building projects. In fact, research indicates that about five million tonnes have been used in about half a million buildings.

Why Asbestos Was Once Considered a Popular Building Material

Before people and businesses knew about the dangers of using asbestos, the mineral was used in building products because of its strong resistance to fire and its superior insulating qualities. The product also resisted chemicals well and was lauded for its flexibility and strength.

Asbestos Is Represented by Three Key Minerals

Three types of asbestos are found in UK building materials today. These minerals include chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite. Therefore, asbestos surveys and removals in West Midlands focus on these materials. For example, chrysotile is another name for white asbestos. Because it is white, it is generally found in cement products or paper.

Brown and Blue Asbestos

Amosite, known as brown asbestos, is usually found in lagging, or the insulation material used in pipes. It is also combined with other building products to create asbestos insulation boards (AIBs). The third main asbestos material, crocidolite, is also known as blue asbestos. This material, which is used in insulation or coatings, is considered the most dangerous asbestos of the three minerals.

Removal Work Still Continues – A Seemingly Never-ending Process

Whilst asbestos may be identified by its colour, you still need to have the material checked in a lab for confirmation. Even though the mineral is no longer used, it was still incorporated into construction projects even after it was banned in manufacturing facilities. So, the work to remove the substance still continues today.

If you believe that your building may pose this type of health risk, do not delay in contacting an asbestos surveyor and scheduling a removal at your home or workplace.

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