Do You Need Asbestos Removed From Your Home?


If you have asbestos in your home, you cannot waste any time having it removed. Contact a company that specialises in the process. Unfortunately, asbestos was used in building materials from the 1950s to the 1980s. However, it was not completely banned until 1999. Not only is the material a number-one carcinogen, the fibres often embed into the linings of the lungs, thereby causing asbestosis, mesothelioma, or lung cancer over time. No cure has been found for asbestosis or mesothelioma.

Where Asbestos Is Found

Asbestos is often found in such places as roof sheets and tiles, guttering and downpipes, and wall cladding. It can also show up in soffit boards, window linings, pipe lagging, and rope seals in boilers. Bath panels, paint, floor tiles, and water tanks are all known to hold asbestos as well.

Why Asbestos Should Be Removed

The once-used construction component was previously used in both residential and commercial construction because it was cheap and fireproof and provided insulating abilities. However, when asbestos is disturbed, it leads to the above-mentioned health problems. Therefore asbestos elimination is a vital process as it prevents the harm caused by exposure.

Lung Cancer Cases Related to Asbestos

Most cases of lung cancer are typically diagnosed after a tumour has spread beyond the lungs. When the cancer has metastasised or spread, it makes the disease more difficult to treat. Each year, a projected 5,000 lung cancers connected to asbestos exposure are diagnosed. However, asbestos abatement is one way to prevent the occurrence.

Environmental Asbestos

Environmental asbestos is another type of harmful asbestos exposure. However, this type of exposure is indirect. The cause of this problem may stem from a nearby industrial site or may occur where the substance is found naturally. Because of the deadly nature of the mineral, removal techniques are often employed without delay.

Types of Asbestos Minerals

Asbestos itself references a group of six kinds of naturally-occurring minerals, each comprised of resilient fibres that are resistant to fire, heat, and a number of chemicals. The six naturally-occurring fibrous minerals include chrysotile, anthophyllite, tremolite, crocidolite, amosite, and actinolite. Among these minerals, amosite and chrysotile asbestos are most common.

How the Fibres Enter the Body

The most common way that asbestos fibres enter the system is through breathing. Therefore, an asbestos-containing material is not considered hazardous unless it is emitting fibres or dust into the air. The airborne fibres are then ingested or inhaled.

Recurring Exposure

It normally takes years of recurring exposure to asbestos to cause major health difficulties. However, the health effects from exposure are well-documented. Asbestos fibres can be easily inhaled and transmitted to the lower regions of the lung where they cause fibrotic lung disease (asbestosis) or changes in the chest cavity pleura or lining.

Asbestos Mining

Asbestos in its natural mineral state can be found in the ground the world over. However, the first commercial asbestos mining was done in Quebec, Canada. For many years, Canada was the leading producer of the dangerous mineral.

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