Useful Tips When Relocating Your Office


If your business is exceeding all expectations and you find yourself needing a larger office, there is much to consider. Moving a business is far more complex than a domestic move, and with that in mind, here are some useful tips on how to carry out a stress-free office relocation.

  • Minimum Disruption – Unlike a house move, the office relocation must be carried out with the minimum of disruption to the business, and this is where the professional removal contractor comes into his own. It is possible to complete the relocation with minimal disruption to the daily activities, and by arranging your Internet connection in advance, the company website does not have to be offline.

  • Planning & Preparation – Like any other project, relocating your office demands a high level of planning and preparation. The first thing to do is look for removalists Logan employers call, which is best done with an online search, and make sure that the removal company have considerable experience in commercial relocation. Obviously, the new premises should be large enough to accommodate your current workload, with some expansion possible, which will eliminate the need to relocate in the near future.
  • Use A Professional Removalist – Resist the temptation to carry out the move yourself, as tying up your employees will certainly have a negative impact on the business. When searching for a suitable removal contractor, prepare a list of questions, and by asking several companies to quote for the project, you can be sure to find the best deal. The key to a smooth relocation lies with the removal contractor you choose, so make sure they have adequate experience and resources to handle the operation.

  • The New Office Layout – The last thing you want is to have all the office furniture and equipment arrive at the new premises and you are not really sure what will go where. It is essential to plan the new layout in advance, and anything that is not needed, should not be included in the removal inventory. Use this opportunity to lose anything that is surplus to requirements, and by hiring a skip, you can dispose of unwanted items before the move begins. There are some great tips on office organisation that you can get from articles available online which should help you to plan the new layout.
  • Make Checklists – There is so much to consider when relocating a business, and by creating checklists, you are less likely to overlook anything. You will need to spend some time thinking about the best layout in the new office, and make sure that everything is ready on the day of the move. Utilities need to be connected, as do the phone lines and your Internet connection, which makes it much easier to set up your office equipment when it arrives.

You should involve your employees in the design of the new office, as they are the people who will be working in the environment and they would likely have some good ideas about equipment and furniture placement. An established commercial removal contractor would assign a project manager to ensure that the relocation goes smoothly, leaving you to concentrate on providing a high level of customer service. Once the move has been completed, you can look forward to a continuation of growth and with more than adequate resources at your disposal, productivity will receive a boost.

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