What are the best tips to unclog blocked drains around your home?


There are different ways to prevent the clogged drains but it is important to know as to what is put in them. The biggest enemies are coffee grounds, cooking grease, hair and soap scum that can be avoided to be introduced in the drain. You need to call in professionals when dealing with blocked drains, as they have the necessary drain cleaning chemicals and powders, which can ensure a waste-free hygienic environment. You must check the company credentials, and always go for the experienced individuals.

How to prevent clogs?

  • The cooking grease can be saved in an old coffee can or a milk container made of cardboard and then disposes of the trash.
  • Grounded coffee beans should be thrown in the garbage or can be added to the mulch pile.
  • A screen or a drain-grate can be used so that the drain opening can be covered and problems can be minimised with hair and soap scum.
  • It is a good alternative to stop by a local store of plumbing materials and make a study that would suit the particular fixture. A picture can be taken of the drain system that would better explain the needs and even the fitters and screens can be laid in proper place.

What are the Merits of regular cleaning?

  • After every use hot water should be run so that the oil in the food products runs down the drain. It does not build up on the interior surfaces of the pipes.
  • Baking soda is considered as a powerful cleaning agent and so can be thrown into the drain followed by hot water. It works wonders in clearing the foul odour and the drain pipes smell like roses.
  • Vinegar can also be poured into the drain and be left for about 30 minutes and then you can clean them with hot water. As it contains acetic acid, vinegar acts wonderfully, and is proved to be an excellent organic solvent. This helps to remove the build-up of organic crud in the drain pipes.
  • If clogging is a regular headache, then there are certain tips that can be followed to clear the clog out of the drains in sinks, tubs and showers. First you can pour both salt and baking soda in the drain and then add vinegar. You should allow the concoction foam to settle down for a minute or so and then cleanse with a quantity of about 2 quarts of boiling water.

blocked drain Box Hill

You can try the following drain-cleaning tricks for garbage disposals and sinks:

  • Fill the tray of ice-cube filled half-full of vinegar and cover the top with clear water. The tray should be marked well and it is for sure that the vinegar will not freeze properly.
  • The disposal can be turned on and thrown in the cubes, because vinegar contains mild acid and helps to clean the disposal and the drain. The ice on the other hand chills and scrapes the grease of the walls.
  • A very active ingredient is the Lye which is popular store-brought cleaner. Soap scam and hair gets dissolved very easily but only thing that has to be done is that to pour some amount down the drain as it is a very good cleaning agent for blocked drains. After all this is done you have to wait for the chemical to do its own job.
  • Small amount of drain cleaners as Lye is reasonable. So they should not be used in large quantities.

Professional drain cleaning agencies have all the updated tools and equipments to reduce blockages, but on your part, you must also adhere to certain guidelines while using sinks, bathroom drains, plugged toilet openings and commodes. Visit here for Find out more about best plumbers to take care of your plumbing.

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