Why Should You Refrain from Overloading Your Power Points?


Power Points

When you surpass the maximum amperage of the electrical circuit you are using, a power point overload takes place. This can occur when too many appliances are plugged into one power point or when you use appliances that consume high amps at the same time. The outcome of an overload can be a short circuit and inevitably a fire.

High AMP Appliances

Some of the appliances utilise more amps than others. A battery charger, for instance, utilises very low amps, whereas an electric kettle can utilise very high amps. In case, you have just one power point in your kitchen, refrain from operating toasters, kettles, blenders, mixers and other similar power-hungry devices, all at the same time or you’ll probably surpass the amperage of the power point. In the same way, never try using hair dryers, heaters and electric razors, everything at the same time.

Numerous Appliances

There are many old style homes even today that have only one or two power points per each room. This tempts to plug in a double adaptor or power board to increase the number of outlets. This is very much acceptable if they are used in moderation.

The problems occur when people use one double adaptor on top of another or plug double adaptors into power boards and power boards into another power boards. This is guaranteed to surpass the circuit’s amperage and a house fire is waiting to take place.

However, you can remain on the safe side by using one or two appliances at a particular period to unplugging the appliances that are not in use or switch off appliances or unplug them when not used or preferably get an electrician to install another power point in the room.

Overload Protection

Each and every household meter box comprises a string of overload protection devices, which is intended to cut the power to specific circuits when their amperage has been outstripped. The two major devices are:


Fuses are ceramic holders that comprise thin strips of wire that are intended to melt when excess current passes through them. The wire’s thickness decides how much current is needed before it will ‘blow’.

Circuit Breakers

  • Circuit breakers are used in place of fuses and work similar to a fuse. In place of wire, they have extremely sensitive switches that are activated when extreme current passes through them, which cause them to ‘trip’ and break the circuit.
  • Power boards too have integrated overload protection. This is normally in the form of a small circuit breaker that trips when excess power is drawn than the board is rated to hold. After the circuit breaker has been tripped, the board also includes a reset switch to return it to normal use.

Overload Precautions

When a fuse or circuit breaker trips or blows in your meter box, it normally means there is a problem in the circuit. There is a fault somewhere in the circuit or you’re operating too many high-amp appliances. Check for a problem before resetting the circuit breaker or replacing the fuse. If it occurs again and you can’t find a reason for it, without any further delay call a local electrician in Adelaide to examine your electrical wiring. Where electricity is concerned, any small faults, if left unnoticed can turn into big and hazardous problems very rapidly.

Carry Out Electrical Audit for an Overload

To maximise power safety in your home, you must refrain from overloading your power points. You should watch out for potential electrical hazards and if you come across any serious electrical issue, right away consult a 24-hour emergency electrician. Here are some vital tips for dealing with an electrical emergency.

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