Plan Ahead to Avoid These Moving Disasters


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After you’ve gone through the lengthy process of finding your dream home, making an offer and closing on the property, it’s time to pack up your belongings and move in. But, if this is your first time moving, you may need a little help. Follow these tips to make sure you avoid a moving disaster:Turn on utilities.

When you’re moving, your focus is usually entirely on packing everything up and arranging for transportation, so it’s easy to forget about utilities, even though they are so important. Make sure you call ahead of time and schedule for your electric and cable company to come on moving day and get you set up with electricity, cable and internet. Otherwise, the first few days of your move can be very unpleasant. After all, unpacking in the dark is not very fun, and after a day of stressful moving, you’ll want to kick back and relax in front of the TV.

Research the company.

Don’t hire the first moving company that you speak with, or the one who can offer you a ridiculously low price unless you do your research first. Unfortunately, there are a lot of companies out there that try to scam new homeowners by advertising one price and then demanding another one on the day of the move. When this happens, you may be stuck having to pay the new insanely high price or you will be left without furniture. There’s enough going on during moving day without this unnecessary stress, so avoid this disaster by researching reviews of each company you are interested in hiring.

Not labeling boxes.

You may be in a hurry to get all of your belongings packed up and in the moving truck, but you should always take a few extra minutes to label each box carefully. No matter how many times you tell yourself you will remember exactly where you put everything, it never happens. Boxes get moved around by the professional movers, and you can quickly forget where you stashed that item you need the second you get to your new home. To avoid this disaster, clearly label each box with what’s inside. That way, when you get to your new home and want to crawl into bed for a nap, you can quickly find your pillows and linens without having to rip apart each box!

Furniture problems.

Be sure to carefully measure all of your furniture and make sure it will fit through the doorway of your new home. You should also make sure there is enough space in the room you want to put the piece of furniture in before moving. If you don’t, you will end up paying movers to transport items that won’t be going in your home, so it will be a waste of money.

Want more real estate advice? Get the honest answers that you deserve. Contact our team of real estate experts at Coast 2 Coast Realty who have years of experience helping people buy and sell homes in the Tampa area.

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